Meteorite found by Team Member Joel, on Tug Hill New York

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File Code: OP-DRN2024-NYCEVAC Subject: Contingency Plan for Evacuation of Metro NYC Due to Nuclear Threat Prepared By: [REDACTED] Clearance Level: EYES ONLY

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report outlines a contingency plan for the evacuation of the New York City metropolitan area in the event that a nuclear device or derivative is identified as an imminent threat. Intelligence suggests that while ongoing drone operations in New Jersey have not located the suspected device, the potential for detonation necessitates an immediate and systematic evacuation strategy. This document details procedures for minimizing casualties, safeguarding infrastructure, and ensuring public order during the crisis.


  1. Threat Confirmation and Initial Response:
    • Upon detection of a credible nuclear threat, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in coordination with FEMA, will activate emergency protocols.
    • Widespread alerts will be disseminated through the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), supported by local emergency broadcasts, mobile notifications, and public safety announcements.
    • Activation of the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) to evaluate potential blast and fallout impact zones.
  2. Phased Evacuation Plan:
    • Zone-Based Prioritization:
      • Immediate Evacuation Zone (IEZ): Includes Manhattan, parts of Jersey City, and other boroughs within the predicted blast radius.
      • Secondary Evacuation Zone (SEZ): Surrounding boroughs and suburban areas at risk of radioactive fallout or secondary hazards.
      • Tertiary Evacuation Zone (TEZ): Outlying areas that may serve as transit hubs or staging grounds for displaced populations.
    • Timetable for Evacuation: Evacuation efforts will occur in coordinated waves to prevent congestion and ensure access to critical transportation infrastructure.
  3. Transportation Logistics:
    • Public Transit Utilization:
      • Subways, buses, ferries, and trains will operate on emergency schedules to facilitate mass movement out of high-risk areas.
      • Priority will be given to routes leading to designated evacuation corridors.
    • Roadway Management:
      • Major highways and bridges will be converted to outbound-only traffic. Real-time traffic monitoring will optimize flow and minimize bottlenecks.
      • Emergency lanes will be reserved for first responders, medical convoys, and essential supply transports.
    • Air Evacuation:
      • JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports will coordinate with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to support airlifts for critical cases and rapid response teams.
  4. Relocation and Shelter Assignments:
    • Designated safe zones will be established in:
      • Upstate New York (e.g., Albany, Syracuse)
      • Western Pennsylvania (e.g., Pittsburgh)
      • New England states (e.g., Hartford, Boston)
    • Temporary shelters, operated by FEMA and the Red Cross, will provide food, water, medical aid, and radiation screening.
    • Long-term relocation plans will be developed in collaboration with state governments and private organizations.
  5. Support for Vulnerable Populations:
    • The elderly, disabled, and those without private transportation will receive priority assistance through National Guard units and local emergency services.
    • Hospitals and care facilities will coordinate with emergency medical teams for patient transfers via specialized convoys and airlifts.
  6. Public Order and Security:
    • Law enforcement and National Guard personnel will enforce evacuation orders, maintain order, and secure critical infrastructure.
    • Aerial surveillance, including the use of drones, will monitor evacuation progress and provide real-time updates to command centers.


  1. Radiological Assessment:
    • Teams equipped with advanced radiation detection tools will determine the safety of reentry into affected areas.
    • Cleanup and decontamination efforts will commence once radiation levels are deemed manageable.
  2. Long-Term Resettlement:
    • Displaced residents will be provided with housing assistance, employment support, and financial aid as part of a national recovery initiative.
  3. Mental Health Support:
    • Counseling services and support networks will be established to address the psychological impact of the crisis on evacuees.
  4. Infrastructure Recovery:
    • Federal and state agencies will collaborate to repair damaged infrastructure, restore essential services, and prevent long-term economic disruption.

CONCLUSION: The evacuation of Metro NYC in response to a nuclear threat requires precise coordination, robust infrastructure, and comprehensive public communication. This contingency plan aims to safeguard the lives of millions while maintaining order and enabling recovery efforts. Continued monitoring and intelligence gathering are essential to mitigating this threat.



Opinion: Ending the Two-Tier System—Trump’s Immigration Policy and the Fight for Fairness

Let’s talk about immigration, the dairy industry, and the working class—because no one else wants to connect the dots. President Trump’s plan to deport thousands of undocumented immigrants might sound harsh to some, but let’s cut through the noise and talk about why this second-class system of undocumented labor isn’t just unfair—it’s un-American.

For decades, our politicians have looked the other way while millions of people lived and worked here without proper documentation, turning them into a permanent underclass. These workers, many of whom contribute to vital industries like agriculture, live in overcrowded housing, earn subpar wages, and are left vulnerable to exploitation. That’s not justice. That’s not fairness. That’s not the American dream.

Meanwhile, the same elites who defend this system tell us that Americans won’t get up at 4:30 a.m. to milk cows. Excuse me? That’s a slap in the face to every hardworking American who’s pulled themselves out of bed in the dark to put food on the table. Technology has revolutionized farming, and robotic milking machines are already being used on many dairies. If the industry invested in innovation and fair wages instead of leaning on cheap labor, we wouldn’t have to import a second class of people to prop it up.

This isn’t about turning our backs on immigrants—it’s about fixing a broken system that hurts everyone. Undocumented workers are stuck in the shadows, unable to fully participate in society, while the American working class is told their jobs aren’t good enough. That’s the real insult. We should be elevating American workers and giving immigrants a legal, dignified path to employment, not perpetuating this exploitative status quo.

Some will argue that deporting these workers will hurt farms, but the truth is, we’ve allowed an entire industry to rely on illegal labor for too long. Instead of protecting this flawed system, we should be pushing for reforms that ensure fair wages, good working conditions, and legal paths for immigrants to work here. Trump’s tough stance may be the wake-up call the agriculture industry—and Congress—needs to finally act.

The American populist movement is about fairness for all workers. That means ending this underclass system that divides people into categories of privilege. It’s not right to let businesses profit off people who have no legal protections, and it’s not right to tell Americans they’re too lazy to do these jobs. Both narratives are false, and both need to end.

So let’s stop pretending this is about cruelty or xenophobia. This is about restoring fairness, dignity, and justice to our immigration system and our labor force. It’s time to fix the root of the problem instead of letting it fester. Because in America, there’s no room for second-class citizens—or second-class workers.

UFOs, Drones, and Shifty Government Answers: Another Day in the Land of Denial

By Hans Wilder for Digital Media USA

Ladies and gentlemen, we’re back in business—the business of unidentified flying somethings. Yes, those buzzing, blinking airborne enigmas have returned to America’s skies. This time, they’re circling military bases, creeping over Trump’s golf course, and giving suburbanites in New Jersey a reason to check the bottle of NyQuil before bed.

But here’s the thing: they don’t want you to panic. No, sir. National Security Spokesman Extraordinaire John Kirby says there’s nothing to worry about. These drones, UFOs, UAPs—whatever buzzword they’re testing this week—pose “no threat to public safety or national security.” Translation? “Don’t look over here. Go back to Netflix. Everything’s fine.”

Except it’s not fine. You know it. I know it. And I bet even Kirby’s nervous. Watch his body language the next time he fields one of these questions. He squirms. He stammers. His eyes dart around like he’s searching for an exit sign. Kirby might not know the full story—hell, the Pentagon might’ve handed him a script and plausible deniability—but you can bet your last tinfoil hat that something weird is going on.

“Normalization” Is the Name of the Game

Here’s the game plan, folks: drip-feed the absurd until it feels ordinary. One day it’s “unidentified objects,” next week it’s “commercial drones,” and by next month, they’ll tell you it’s just Amazon testing new ways to deliver socks. Don’t buy it. They’re trying to normalize the abnormal.

You know what’s not normal? Thousands of reports of drones flying over sensitive sites—military installations, government facilities, even power plants. Oh, and a “non-threat” that somehow requires the fire department to dust off their hazmat suits. Not exactly a chill vibe, is it?

Meanwhile, New Jersey’s got these drones swarming like locusts, and the FBI tip line has lit up with 5,000 calls. Even the Department of Defense admits they’ve only chased down “less than 100 leads.” Translation: “We have no idea what’s going on, but we’re super confident it’s nothing.” Does that sound reassuring to you?

A History of Shady Behavior

Now let’s zoom out for a second. If you’ve been paying attention to Uncle Sam’s UFO history, you’ll recognize the pattern. First, deny it. Second, dismiss it. Third, reluctantly admit something is going on. And finally, pretend like it’s always been normal. Remember Roswell? Remember Project Blue Book? This is the government’s Greatest Hits album—“Cover-Ups, Lies, and Non-Answers, Vol. 3.”

This time around, it’s drones. Or are they? We’ve all heard the polite euphemisms: UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), weather balloons, swamp gas, Venus reflecting off a car windshield. But whatever’s zipping around up there is beyond normal, and it’s driving people bonkers because the answers are so laughably bad.

And while Kirby insists there’s “no foreign involvement”—which we’ll take with a grain of radioactive salt—the lack of transparency is what’s making everyone grab their pitchforks.

They’re At It Again

Folks, here’s the rub. The government doesn’t tell you things because they think you can’t handle it. They assume the public will collectively lose its mind, which, let’s be honest, isn’t a totally unfair assumption given the way we behave on Black Friday. But here’s the kicker: it’s 2024. We’re all desensitized. Show us the aliens. Show us the fancy tech. At this point, we just want the truth because we’re tired of being spoon-fed nonsense.

And let’s be real: this is a cover-up, and they’re not even doing a good job hiding it. The more Kirby and company lean into the “nothing to see here” act, the more obvious it becomes that there’s plenty to see—if we could only get a straight answer.

So, if you’re hearing drones at night or spotting weird lights zipping across the sky, don’t blame your eyes or that third glass of wine. Something’s going on. The government doesn’t want you to know about it. And John Kirby—whether he knows the truth or not—has a job to keep you calm and clueless.

Final Thought

Here’s what George Carlin would’ve told you: “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. They know what’s happening. You don’t. And they’re not gonna tell you because they don’t trust you. But trust me, they’re up to something. They always are.”

Keep watching the skies, folks. And if you see a drone? Wave hello—maybe it’s the feds, maybe it’s aliens, or maybe it’s just some jackass who bought a DJI Phantom for Christmas. Either way, it’s not normal. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

Next post Photo taken by Team Member Hans just north of Jupiter Inlet, Florida; Looking North.